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× Home Games Achievements Challenges Alphabet Sessions


Gamerscore200 / 200
Achievements12 / 12
Started24/03/2013 - 4,296d ago
Time Tracked4h 13m
Last Online30/03/2013
Times Played2
Streak1 / 2
Completion Date25/03/2013 - 1d


Globe Trotter - 20
Land on every property on the board
Unlocked 25/03/2013
No Mercy - 20
Be responsible for the bankruptcy of another player
Unlocked 25/03/2013
The View From The Top - 25
Build your first set of hotels.
Unlocked 25/03/2013
Moving On Up - 15
Build your first set of houses.
Unlocked 25/03/2013
Transport King - 10
Own the monopoly on the transport properties
Unlocked 25/03/2013
Taking Sides - 40
Own every property, including any ports and utilities, down one whole side of the board
Unlocked 25/03/2013
Rolled To Freedom - 10
Rolled a double to get out of jail
Unlocked 25/03/2013
Rolled To Jail - 10
Roll three doubles in a row and get sent to jail
Unlocked 25/03/2013
You've Got The Power - 10
Own the monopoly on the utilities
Unlocked 24/03/2013
Now You're On Your Way - 10
Own a monopoly
Unlocked 24/03/2013
Everybody Starts Somewhere - 10
Buy a property
Unlocked 24/03/2013
Deal Of The Century - 20
Form a monopoly as a result of trading
Unlocked 24/03/2013

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