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Farm Frenzy 2

Farm Frenzy 2 Art
Gamerscore80 / 200
Achievements8 / 15
Started02/05/2013 - 4,257d ago
Time Tracked2h 0m
Last Online04/05/2013
Times Played2
Streak3 / 3


Elbow Grease - 10
You have refilled factory to its full capacity and spent less than 1 second 5 times in a row!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Eager Beaver - 10
You have collected 300 products!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Stroke of Luck - 10
You've caught seven products in a row!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Place in the Sun - 10
Your warehouse is packed to the rafters!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Pig`s Back - 10
You've beaten 10 levels without losing a single animal!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Murphy's Law - 10
For more then 5 tries to complete a level!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Sink or Swim - 10
You completed a level without using any tips!
Unlocked 03/05/2013
Front Runner - 10
You completed the level in record time!
Unlocked 02/05/2013
Make or Break - 10
You completed the level without tapping any products or bears!
Ace of Base - 20
You've purchased every upgrade!
Top Dog - 10
Dogs caught every bear on the level!
Wealthy and Sound - 10
You've saved one million coins!
Moment of Truth - 30
You've collected every award!
Win-Win - 10
You've beaten every level!
Golden Goose - 30
You've earned a Gold ranking on every level!

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