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Monsters Love Candy

Monsters Love Candy Art
Gamerscore40 / 200
Achievements6 / 20
Started03/03/2013 - 4,317d ago
Time Tracked19m
Last Online26/04/2014
PlatformWin 8
Times Played0
Streak2 / 2


Sweet Tooth - 5
You have strengthened your Monsters.
Unlocked 25/04/2014
Sugar Sands - 5
You have reached the sweet Desert sands.
Unlocked 25/04/2014
All You Need is Friends - 10
Friends come easy to you.
Unlocked 27/06/2013
Back to the Sweets - 10
Dedication has earned you this award.
Unlocked 27/03/2013
Rainbow Eyes - 5
Everything looks groovier in your world.
Unlocked 08/03/2013
Pure Sugar - 5
You fed the first Monster you found in the Forest.
Unlocked 03/03/2013
Sugar On Top - 5
Your matching skills have you on top of the pile.
Candy Chemist - 5
Experiments with Boosts have raised your game.
Jawbreaker - 5
So many Monsters, so much time!
Monster Master - 5
Mythical Monsters? You got it in the bag.
Mystery Flavor - 10
You have won 50 multiplayer challenges!
Top the Candy Mountain - 10
You have evolved 200 Monsters!
Sugar High - 10
You are a King among friends!
The Candy Touch - 10
You have a gift for Legendary Monster taming.
A World Much Sweeter - 15
Monsters of the world unite under you.
Know the Ice Cream Man - 15
You reached the Tundra, and saw an aurora!
Sugar Rush - 15
Your promotions got you to level 30, incredible!
Everlasting Globetrotter - 15
You have looked off the edge of the Coastline.
Shooting Sugar Stars - 15
All the stars are aligning for you.
Monsters Love Your Candy - 25
225 Stars, simply amazing!

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