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Dead Block

Dead Block Art
Gamerscore70 / 200
Achievements5 / 12
Started01/10/2012 - 4,471d ago
Time Tracked10h 2m
Last Online01/09/2014
PlatformXbox 360
Times Played3
Streak1 / 1


Jack the Builder - 10
You blocked all the doors and windows in one level.
Unlocked 01/10/2012
Cactus Time - 10
You searched four cacti in a row while playing Mike.
Unlocked 01/10/2012
Poo Dance - 30
Ten infected zombies danced at the same time.
Unlocked 01/10/2012
Bomber - 10
You killed 20 zombies with a single bomb trap.
Unlocked Offline
Dead can Dance - 10
You activated the Jukebox and make a zombie dance.
Unlocked Offline
Nightshift - 10
You played five minutes in darkness.
All Traps - 10
You built every trap and a wood blockade in one level.
Work force - 10
You employed 20 construction zombies.
Quintupel Super Awesome - 10
You built five blockades with super awesome finish in a row.
Multikill - 10
You killed three zombies with one melee attack.
Game Complete - 30
You completed all single player levels.
Medal Seeker - 50
You won all gold medals in all singleplayer levels.

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