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Mercury Hg

Mercury Hg Art
Gamerscore80 / 300
Achievements7 / 18
Started08/04/2013 - 4,171d ago
Time Tracked3h 11m
Last Online17/11/2018
PlatformXbox 360
Times Played6
Streak1 / 3


Pentelementium - 10
Discover the fifth group of elements.
Unlocked 30/04/2013
Quadelementium - 10
Discover the fourth group of elements.
Unlocked 30/04/2013
Trielementium - 10
Discover the third group of elements.
Unlocked 27/04/2013
Musicium - 10
Play one of your own music tracks while playing the game.
Unlocked 08/04/2013
Spookium - 20
Download and play against an online ghost replay.
Unlocked 08/04/2013
Bielementium - 10
Discover the second group of elements.
Unlocked 08/04/2013
Targetenium - 10
Complete all 4 targets in any Discovery Mode level.
Unlocked 08/04/2013
Discoverium - 30
Complete all the levels in Discovery Mode.
Challengium - 30
Complete all of the Challenges.
Bolevium - 30
Complete all of the Bonus Levels.
Bonusium - 20
Discover all 20 of the Bonus Levels.
Awesomium - 10
Be awarded all 240 original Atoms in Discovery Mode from groups 1 to 5.
Gravisium - 30
Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.
Heavybonusium - 10
Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Heavy Elements content pack.
Gravichallengium - 10
Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Heavy Elements content pack.
Rarusium - 30
Complete all the Discovery Mode levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
Rarebonusium - 10
Discover all 10 of the Bonus Levels in the Rare Earth Elements content pack.
Raretaskium - 10
Discover all 5 of the Challenges in the Rare Earth Element content pack.

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