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Mutation Station

Mutation Station Art
Gamerscore50 / 50
Achievements8 / 8
Started31/12/2011 - 4,745d ago
Time Tracked4h 0m
Last Online24/01/2012
PlatformXbox 360
Times Played2
Streak1 / 1
Completion Date24/01/2012 - 25d


Fire Both Barrels - 5
Activated the second transformation beam
Unlocked 24/01/2012
Perfect Professor - 10
Discovered each of the different transformation effects in one play session
Unlocked 31/12/2011
Serial Shapeshifter - 10
Shared three times in one play session
Unlocked 31/12/2011
Little and Large - 5
Fully inflated and fully deflated your head
Unlocked 31/12/2011
Happy Bending - 5
Bent your body as much as you could in two directions
Unlocked 31/12/2011
Cinematographer - 5
Shared a video on
Unlocked 31/12/2011
Capture the Magic - 5
Shared a photo on
Unlocked 31/12/2011
Back to Reality - 5
Experienced your first complete transformation
Unlocked 31/12/2011

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