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× Home Games Achievements Challenges Alphabet Sessions

Voice Studio

Voice Studio Art
Gamerscore50 / 50
Achievements4 / 4
Started18/09/2012 - 4,483d ago
Time Tracked3h 45m
Last Online07/05/2013
PlatformXbox 360
Times Played3
Streak1 / 1
Completion Date07/05/2013 - 232d


Golden Voice - 20
Sucessfully completed all eight tracks in Voice Studio
Unlocked 07/05/2013
Fast Talker - 10
Successfully completed the sixth track in Voice Studio
Unlocked 07/05/2013
Massive Mumbler - 10
Successfully completed the fourth track in Voice Studio
Unlocked 28/04/2013
Baby Babbler - 10
Successfully completed the second track in Voice Studio
Unlocked 21/09/2012

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