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Microsoft Wordament

Microsoft Wordament Art
Gamerscore670 / 1000
Achievements19 / 25
Started29/11/2018 - 2,220d ago
Time Tracked22h 10m
Last Online29/06/2022
Times Played46
Streak1 / 1
Lifetime Challenges Completed0
Total Words Found0
Wordament Player Level0
Bronze Daily Challenge Badges Earned0
Silver Daily Challenge Badges Earned0
Gold Daily Challenge Badges Earned0
Diamond Daily Challenge Badges Earned0
Time Played0


A Long Walk - 40
Got a 100% Completion on a Map.
Unlocked 16/12/2020
Stroll In The Park - 35
Completed your first Map.
Unlocked 04/12/2020
Strive For Perfection - 70
Completed every Daily Challenge in a month.
Unlocked 30/04/2019
Diamonds Are Forever - 50
Won a diamond Daily Challenge badge.
Unlocked 28/04/2019
Gimme Five! - 30
Played the Daily Challenge 5 days in a row.
Unlocked 11/04/2019
Star Seeker - 30
Earned 100 stars in Wordament Adventure.
Unlocked 03/04/2019
Word Wielder - 70
Found 1,000 words across all game modes.
Unlocked 22/03/2019
Gate Crasher - 25
Unlocked a Gate on a Map.
Unlocked 19/03/2019
Bonus Payment - 40
Earned 3 stars in a Bonus Puzzle.
Unlocked 15/03/2019
A Hidden Path? - 30
Unlocked a Bonus Puzzle.
Unlocked 15/03/2019
Come Together - 25
Finished your first Wordament Multiplayer game.
Unlocked 15/03/2019
Theme Party - 35
Found 50 Theme Words.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
Word Finder - 35
Found 30 words without getting all three stars.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
Exceptional Seeker - 25
Found a word worth over 45 points.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
Quick on your Feet - 40
Earned 3 stars in a single Hard Quick Play puzzle.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
Came To Win - 25
Won your first Daily Challenge.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
Came To Play - 20
Played your first Daily Challenge.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
Fast Finder - 25
Found 5 words in under 10 seconds (Single Player or Multiplayer).
Unlocked 29/11/2018
First Star - 20
Earned your first star in any Map.
Unlocked 29/11/2018
A Long Excursion - 100
Completed 12 Maps.
Progress: 8% (8 / 100)
Expert Seeker - 55
Obtained the Expert title for Wordament.
Go For The Bronze - 30
Won 12 bronze Daily Challenge badges.
Progress: 16% (16 / 100)
Go For The Gold - 40
Won 8 gold Daily Challenge badges.
Progress: 25% (25 / 100)
Go For The Silver - 35
Won 10 silver Daily Challenge badges.
Progress: 20% (20 / 100)
All-Star - 70
Earned a total of 600 stars.
Progress: 58% (58 / 100)

Generated In 2.4457 Seconds.